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NECROMANTEIA Vol 2 "Necrosophy: Knowledge of the Dead" by Shawn Frix

NECROMANTEIA Vol 2 "Necrosophy: Knowledge of the Dead" by Shawn Frix


"Necrosophy: Knowledge of the Dead"

by Shawn Frix


After the highest work by Shawn Frix in Necromanteia vol I ”Necromantic Apotheosis”. A second vol called ”Necrosophy: Knowledge of the Dead” a necromantic grimoire of sorts that contains the knowledge of the intelligences of the dead. What I mean by that is different cultural knowledge is going to be presented in the form of stories and parables. Notice I said dead not death those are two different energies that seem to get mixed up when people are writing about necromancy. Each intelligence has its own perspective on its realm. Back to the point, death and death have two different projections of energies. Death can be chaotic and traumatic but once that is passed the dead is serene and peaceful. Now that is not to say some of the spirits are not angry and chaotic this is about their general energy perspective. So why do we do this? Working with the dead has been frowned upon since the Roman age is really when it took a turn for the worse but in the last few years, it has become popular again. I have been studying and working in Necromancy ( which I chose as my focus). The dead and beings of that type of energy can offer a lot of wisdom to us. Building a healthy relationship with these energies can benefit both you and the spirits you work with on a regular basis. Think of Necromancy as a specialty branch of occult science. Some people work onlywith Fey spirits or angels, well in our sense necromancers work with spirits and beings of the realm of death.



Table of Contents


The Purposes of Necromantic work 

What Is Necromancy

The Realities of Necromancy

Necromancy and How it Works       

Historic Necromancers         



Odin the Great Necromancer




The Morrigan




Prophecy of the Morrigan     

Manannan mac Lir    

Necromancer of Endor          

Muirgen mac Senchan          


The Necromancer Erictho     

Hades and Persephone          

Adolphus the Necromancer  

Daoist Necromancy  

The Yin Side of Life 

The Nature of the Daoist Soul          

The Creation of a Ghost        

Divination From A Corpse:  

Daoist Ritual to Obtain a Spirit        

Daoist Terminology vs Western Terminology        

Daoist Origin of a Ghost       

Hungry Ghost

Daoist Corpse Magic

The Corpse Walkers of China          

Daoist Talisman to See Ghost and Spirits    

Marbhdhraíocht and Animals 


Celtic Animal Worship and Necromancy    

The Celtic Animal Soul        

Tuan Mac Cairill       

The Story Tuan mac (son of) Cairill


Qliphotic Necromancy          

Niantielian Necromancy       

Invoking the Energies of Niantiel    

Niantielian Zombies 

Niantielian Pathworking       

Necromantic Enochian         

Sith Necromancy      

The Scroll of Sith Sorcery    

The Scroll of Dwomutsiqsa  

The Traveler and the Mummy          

History of the Oracle Head   

Greek Oracle Head   

The Celtic Oracular Head     

The Skull of the Prodigy Child        

Western Mantic Skull 120

The Necromancer’s Steed     

References and Sources        

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